Our Aim Is To Coordinate, Propagate And Amplify Our Members' Efforts In Order To Support And Help The Country That Inspired Them With The Values Of Democracy, Humanism, Philosophy
The “Association of Greeks and Philhellenes Abroad” with the distinctive title “GLOBAL HELLAS” was founded by a team of people of Greek heritage with diverse professional and social background with the ultimate goal to establish a Holistic Service Point (One Stop Shop) which will provide to its members , Greeks and Philhellenes, guidance, consultation and a sense of care in order for them to feel Greece as a safe and hospitable country in which they can comfortably travel, explore investment and business opportunities, collaborate with Authorities and generally interact in every possible level.
Our Goals
GLOBAL HELLAS will pursue the targets set by the Steering Committee utilizing all legal means and actions
Cooperate under framework agreements with Professionals, Businesses, Institutions, Local Government Organizations, which could promote with credibility and responsibility the interests and expectations of the members in the Country
The Association will communicate its goals and ideals to Local Government and Central Administration Agencies, as well as relevant private and public bodies aiming to ensure their support in the whole effort
Release announcements, press conferences, organize local and Pan-Hellenic conferences and parallel workshops (workshops) and publications in the press and on Social Networks.
Cooperation with other Associations or Organizations that either exist or are to be established and that have the same or similar or related purposes

Improving the experience enjoyed by its members (expatriates and / or philhellenes) when visiting Greece. In particular, through communication either with representatives of the Association, or through an electronic platform that will be developed, each member will receive personalized proposals that will take into consideration all the parameters of his visit to Greece, according to the preferences and specifications that he will set.
The Association will submit proposals and coordinate specialized experiences according to the thematic direction that the member’s trip to Greece will have. The trips of the members may relate to: leisure, religion, sports, culture, gastronomy, education, medical tourism, networking with regional and municipal authorities, events, forums, conferences, committees, investment road trips, missions etc. The Association will help its members to gain a sense of reliability and security during their visit, in order for them to increase the frequency and the duration of these visits and enjoy the best experience in relation to their wishes and budget.
Support and mediation in cases concerning the interaction of Greeks abroad with Public and Private Sector bodies in Greece. The Association will assist in the settlement of personal affairs of expatriate and / or philhellenic members, when they visit Greece in front of public and private sector bodies, in order to deal faster and more effectively with the issues faced in Greece by people from different cultural, geographical and economic environment.
Liaison with Private and Public sector bodies with the aim of promoting collaborations and planning targeted interventions. The association will work closely with institutional bodies (Municipalities, Prefectures) as well as Foundations and Associations in order to promote the interests of its members through targeted actions. In this way, Greeks and Philhellenes abroad will become part of the general planning and policies implemented in the country, mainly at the local level, in order to have the opportunity to take an active position in developments according to their priorities.
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- Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση/Local Government

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